Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Fall of The BP Executive

Well the fall of Tony Hayward of BP is complete. However, did he deserve the punishment meted out to him? His use of the English language notwithstanding ("I just want my life back” which I can understand was spoken in an unguarded moment) and his choice of activities in which to relax (yachting) certainly cast a pall over his departure. However, by all accounts BP did as much as could be expected after the oil incident occurred and we may never know what happened on the Deepwater Horizon oilrig.

So..should he be the scapegoat for the misadventures of BP in the Gulf of Mexico?

It is important and we all forget from time to time that leadership is about getting the best out of people even when they don't to do the things an organization needs to do...and get them to do it because they want and need to do it not because you told them to.

Part of this is taking the hit when it comes (and it will come). I have always believed and acted upon this belief: I am responsible for everything my organization does or does not do. If we succeed, it is because, as a team, we all contributed and the team deserves the credit. If the team fails, then I have failed and should take the first bullet from the corporate gun. Others may fall and should but if they have done my bidding in good faith then I may be the only one to pay the price.

I do not begrudge Mr. Hayward's payment as he departs since 90% was earned through his pension over 28 years in the making. Nevertheless, like everything from the yacht to getting his life back, in total it looks bad.

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